Hands wearing blue latex gloves and using cleaning supplies to clean a desk

7 Tips For an Allergy-Free Home

Are your allergies acting up in the comfort of your home? It may be due to indoor allergens. Symptoms can be triggered by a variety of indoor irritants, from dust mites to pet dander and mold, making keeping a tidy home essential to your good health. By implementing a few simple strategies, you can create

Group of kids outside looking through magnifying glass and binoculars

Prepping for Summer Camp With Allergies and Asthma

Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it’s off to camp they go! For most children, summer camp means s’mores by the campfire, swimming with their friends, and laughing in the dining hall, but for some, there’s more to worry about. Children with allergies and asthma must be mindful and cautious when it comes to summer camp food and activities.


Preparing for Grass Pollen Season

If you thought pollen season was drawing to a close, buckle up because it’s far from over. Pollen season comes in three waves; the first wave is tree pollen, the second wave is grass pollen, and the third wave is weed pollen. As spring starts to fade into summer, grass pollen is next in our

Blowing Daffodil

How Allergy Shots Can Help Get Rid of Spring Allergies

Spring is the worst season for anyone allergic to tree pollen, which can cause allergic symptoms. Discover what you can do to help!

Family Cooking

Our Favorite Spring Recipes for Families with Food Allergies

Whether you or your child has a food allergy, cooking can be great to do as a family, and can be a wonderful teaching opportunity.